Thursday, February 4, 2010

When Trash Talking Goes Too Far

I, like most gamers, tend to talk some trash when playing someone in a video games. Five to ten years ago, it would probably have been some fun, good natured jokes passed back and forth between you and someone you knew. Now, this has all changed.

With the invention of online gaming on consoles over Xbox Live and the PSN, trash talking has been taken to another level, and it is not a good thing. Most of the things that come out of people's mouths online are the worst expletives and even racial slurs that anyone can say to another human being. Because we can't match a face to the voice that we hear online, people feel like they can say whatever they want. They say things they would never say in real life if someone was actually sitting next to them playing the game.

If I had a child that wanted to play video games online, I would have to think twice before allowing them to do it because of what is said by people. It seems impossible, but something needs to be done about how people conduct themselves online in these games. Trash talk used to be good, clean fun, but online, it is anything but.

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